3 Best Booty-Building Exercises (Part 1)
For the next 3 weeks, I will share with you the THREE Best Booty-Building exercises. Each week, one effective exercise will be highlighted that lifts and builds your back side. Anyone can try these exercises. There is no age limit or fitness level restriction because these strength training moves can be executed with resistance ranging from simple bodyweight to heavy barbell or dumbbell weights. Move #1: Deadlifts (Targets hamstrings, lower back and Glutes)
- Place your feet hip-width apart, keep knees soft and grab the bar (about shoulder distance apart with overhand or mixed grip) or pretend to hold a straight bar for hand placement
- Engage your core and keep hands in close to your shins. Your back is FLAT, and sit on your heels.
- Lift the bar, keeping your back flat ("think tabletop") squeeze your butt, keep chest up and drive back on your heels as you come up to standing position
- Lower the bar back to mid-shins, always mindful of NOT rounding your back and sitting back on heels
- Recommended: 3 sets of 15 reps. Start with no weight like Carole (shown below) who demonstrates a deadlift on a stability trainer. And Carole is 72 years young!

Deadlifts are super versatile but extremely effective... so, it's time to build that booty!!