Thinking of heading back to the gym for your workouts? Well, think ahead and keep yourself safe from infection. This is a list of the dirtiest, germ-laden places in the gym to watch out for, according to recent research.
#1 Hot spot: cardio equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and ellipticals. Although sweat may not carry germs itself, the cardio equipment are hotbeds of bacteria. In 2017, a fitness equipment company tested 27 pieces of equipment across three different gyms. They discovered the highest number of germs on the treadmills, particularly a multitude of gram-positive bacteria types which can cause skin infections, pneumonia and other infections.
#2 Weighted Balls, Kettlebells : Another study published by BMC Infectious Diseases in 2019 revealed that weighted balls and kettlebells were laden with bacteria, especially staph bacteria.
#3 Weight machines and Dumbbells: In the same study by the BMC Infectious Diseases, staphylococcus germs were found on the weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates and other weight-related equipment.
#4 Door handles, water fountains, bathroom doors and bathroom sink fixtures: The 2019 study by the BMC Infectious Diseases emphasized that there was staphylococcus bacteria present on the water fountain, the bathroom doors, the sink handles etc. Just think of how many gym patrons use the bathroom or grab the door handle to enter the gym.
How to fight the germs at the gym? Make sure you wipe down whatever equipment you intend to use. Most gyms encourage their members to wipe down the equipment after use, but you cannot be assured it was done. If you’re going to be lying down or sitting on a piece of equipment to exercise, put down your own towel. Remember to mark your towel which side you plan to lie on the weight equipment/mat in order to keep using the same side of the towel on those surfaces. Protect yourself with a face covering, a clean towel from home, and be sure to cover any abrasions, cuts or scrapes with a bandaid in order to protect yourself from infections.
And no matter what, wash your hands frequently, especially before you leave the gym. Avoid touching your face including eyes, nose, and mouth during your workout.