Mix it up with Resistance Bands
If you’re looking to get sculpted arms, legs, glutes and abs, a resistance band workout may be the key to achieving that long, lean look. By using the opposing forces of eccentric and concentric movements to work your muscles, these simple and versatile tools provide a low-impact and powerful way to strengthen and condition muscles in every area of your body.
Different types of resistance bands
Resistance bands are lightweight, compact and easily transported, allowing you to enjoy a great workout practically anywhere. Whether you’re working with heavy thick cords or thin, mini bands, these fitness tools can be utilized in countless applications from concentration isolation exercises to full-body training. Using just your bodyweight and a band, you can increase the workload on your muscles for essential movements like squats and push ups. Or you can stand on your band to curl, press, row and more. So, mix up your training with resistance bands and test your strength for an entire full-body resistance band workout. Mix and match these moves to create the ultimate resistance band workout that you can do anytime, anywhere.
Upper Body Exercises:
Pull-Apart : stand with feet hip width apart and hold one end of your resistance band in each hand. Keep band at chest level with hands about six inches apart and pull the band apart. This exercise works your back extensors, lats, traps and can be very beneficial for your posture. Start with 2 sets of 20 slow, controlled reps.
Pull Apart
2. Lat pull : stand with feet hip width apart and hold one end of the resistance band in each hand about six apart above your head. Now, pull the band down behind your head to the base of the neck, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Return your arms above your head and repeat movement. Continue performing this exercise for 2 sets of 20 slow, controlled reps. Emphasize the squeeze in the back with your chest high.
Lat pull exercise
3. Overhead Tricep Extension : stand with feet hip width apart, step on one side of the resistance band and with one hand above the head, hold the opposite end of the resistance band. Keep elbow close to your head as you extend your arm straight and release. Keep tension on the band so you contract your tricep muscles behind your arm. Slowly repeat the movement for 20 reps and then change to your other arm for 20 reps (2 sets).
Overhead Tricep Extension
4. Seated Row : Seated on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Place the band around your feet and hold on to each end of the resistance band. Pull the band back in a rowing motion while keeping your chest up and shoulders down. Emphasize the squeeze in your upper back. Compete 20 slow, controlled reps for 2 sets.
5. Push ups : Place a band around your back while on your knees. Hold the end of the band in each hand and get into your push up position. Lower the chest towards the floor and, feel the resistance of the band as you push away from the floor. Complete 10 reps on your knees using the band for resistance. Breathe out as you press away and try to go deeper with each rep. Perform 2 sets.
Push ups with resistance band
Lower Body Exercises
Squat with resistance band : Stand with feet a little wider than hip width apart and resistance band placed above the knee. Squat with heels down, keeping legs tight and knees wide.Hold a dumbbell under your chin for an additional challenge. Perform 20 reps for 2 sets.
2. Glute Bridge with Resistance Band : Lie on your back with feet placed on the floor and resistance band around your thighs. Lift hips off the ground and lower slowly (not touching the floor) for 30 reps and 2 sets. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the lift.
Glute Bridge with Resistance Band
3. Bicycles with Resistance Band : Lie on your back and place a band around the top of your shoes. Alternate knee to touch the opposite elbow while keeping your back on the floor. Complete 2 sets of 20 reps (each side)