Few of my Favorite Things
You may have heard that variety is the spice of life. Well, this motto also includes your workouts. In fact, it is always beneficial to change up your exercise program and try a few of my favorite things incorporating the Pilates ring and a yoga block. So, get ready for a hardcore workout routine which involves your lower body. These two pieces of fitness equipment are compact, easy to store and perfect for travel.
Sculpt and Tone with the Ring
Let’s start on the mat with the Pilates ring. Remember to do these exercises at a slow and controlled pace with precision for the best results.
Supine Twist : Lie on your back and place the ring between your ankles, keeping your knees at a 90 degree angle and toes pointed. Then rest your arms straight to each side on the mat while you lower your legs as a unit just a few inches from the floor on the right side. Slowly return to the center and lower legs to the left side. Do each 10 reps on each side.
2. Side leg lifts (Abduction) : Lie on your left side and place the ring around the ankles. Keep compression on the ring as you lift and lower by pushing your legs out with your hips forward. Lift your legs off the mat with your toes pointed for one repetition. Complete 10 reps on each side.
3. Side leg lifts (Adduction): Lie on your left side and place the ring on the inside of the ankles. Keep hold of the ring by squeezing your legs together and keeping your toes pointed Lift legs off the mat while pressing inward on the ring. Complete 10 reps on each side.
4. Bridge : Lie on your back on the mat. Place the ring between your inner thighs with knees bent and soles of the feet on the mat. Engage your core and raise your hips off the mat while squeezing the ring. Slower lower only about an inch without letting go of the contraction, barely grazing the floor. Then continue the next repetition for a total of 30 reps.
Bridge w/Pilates ring
5. Back Lunge with Rotation : Stand with legs together holding the Pilates ring with palms facing in and arms extended forward at shoulder height. Then step back with left leg into a lunge and rotate the ring at the waist to the right. Return back to center for 15 repetitions. Switching legs, step back with the right leg and rotate the ring to the left for 15 repetitions.
Block is Better
Now, let’s test your core strength and balance with these yoga block exercises. So grab a yoga block and get ready to tone your entire body.
Dead Bug variation with Yoga block : lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet off the floor. Reach your right arm and right leg up to the ceiling. Squeeze the block between the left elbow and knee for a static hold at a 90 degree angle. Engage your core as you lower the right arm and right leg to hover above the ground. Exhale and lift them both straight back up for one repetition. Complete 10 reps on the right and then switch sides.
2. Single-leg Romanian deadlift: Place your left foot on yoga block as you lean forward with a flat back and straight leg left behind you. Your left foot is flexed and hips are squared to the ground. Slowly return the left leg to starting ;position and keep your hands by your ears. Complete 10 reps on each leg.
Single-leg Romanian Deadlift
3. Side Clams on Yoga block: Lie on your left side and place the block beneath your left elbow with knees bent. Keep your hips lifted on the floor as you open your knees like a clam keeping your feet together. Complete 20 reps on each side.
4. Side Plank with Yoga block: Lie on your left side and place the block beneath your left elbow. Keeping your hips stacked and legs straight, raise your hips to the ceiling and hold for 30 seconds. For additional difficulty, raise the left arm up with the palm open to the ceiling. Switch sides and complete 2X for a total of one minute.