Your Trifecta Ticket to a Strong Core
Without a doubt, you can bet on these three ab exercises to be the most effective way to strengthen your core. Plus some of these exercises may even help back pain and lower the risk of falls. Research has shown that when your core muscles are strong, it’s easier to do daily activities, even help you to get out of bed in the morning.
Other benefits include better posture, good balance and less joint pain. To diversify your ab routine and get the best results, check out these core moves that you can use to create circuits and challenging ab workouts.
#1 Reverse crunch Trio with Resistance Band
Instructions: lie on your back with legs up and a resistance band placed around a bench. With arms extended keeping the band tight, lift shoulders up and crunch with legs. Do 20 reps. Then repeat.
For an additional challenge: try these series of ab reverse crunches: do 10 reverse crunches with head lift, 10 lower body crunches only, then 10 upper body crunches only. Repeat 3 times.
*Keep your back flat during the exercise and legs perpendicular to your hips
*Keep tension on the resistance band
#2 Reverse crunch on incline bench with resistance band
Reverse crunches on incline bench with resistance band
Instructions: Set the bench on incline and place resistance band around back of bench. Sit on bench with legs up and arms extended by your side holding the resistance band. Crunch upper and lower body together for 20 reps. Repeat.
#3 Plank on Ball with Roll-in Tucks
Plank on ball with roll-in tuck
Instructions: Lie on the ball in prone position holding a plank. Arms are straight and stationary while you roll the ball towards your chest. Bend your knees and keep your hips lifted. Exhale as you tuck your knees in and inhale as you push legs straight back. Complete 10 reps (2 sets).
For additional challenge: instead of tucking your knees in, extend your hips up to a pike on the ball.
Always keep contracting your core throughout the exercise
Try to isolate your lower abdomen when performing this exercise
Plank on ball with pike